Privacy Policy
The VINCULUM project website is a self-hosted WordPress website, installed in a School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon server, located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Personal Data – Collection and Treatment
VINCULUM website access and navigation is provided under HTTPs protocol and it doesn’t require user registration. Third-party applications, like Facebook Like button or Twitter bird on the website, may track user data. VINCULUM do not use trackers in order to collect anonymous user data.
WordPress cookies may be used to set page preferences but there are not indispensable for the website to work. You can control and/or delete cookies, as well you can activate or deactivate cookies in most web browsers. This choice will prevent cookies from being installed or stored on your computer or mobile device.
Personal information collection and processing of this data will be only required in VINCULUM project event/activities enrolment for related information and logistical purposes. The personal data collected will not be disclosed to third parties without prior consent. VINCULUM project aim is not to track users as well event/activities participants to collect personal information for any other purposes than the one previously stated.
According to Law N.º 58/2019, of August 8, as well as the General Regulation on Data Protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council), VINCULUM project guarantes participants the right to access, update, rectify, delete and portability of his personal data, as well as the right to oppose the collection and treatment thereof. Lack of personal information when required in order to participate in event/activities may prevent their participation in said event/activities. Personal data in question is only kept if required by law and only for administrative purposes.
Data Management Plan (DMP)
VINCULUM project has submitted a Data Management Plan (DMP) to the European Research Council (ERC) that describes the project data that will be generated during the course of the research project, This deliverable is ERC requirement, in the scope of Horizon 2020. This is a result of a voluntary participation on the Open Research Data Pilot action on open access to research data. VINCULUM DMP can be accessed on the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS), that is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation, by clicking here.
Third Party
Users may find content on VINCULUM project website that have a link to other websites of our partners, suppliers, sponsors, licensing entities or other third parties. The content or links that appear on such websites and services can have their own privacy and user and/or costumer service policies. Access and navigation on any other website, including websites that have a link to our website, are the sole responsibility of the website concerned. Additionally, these third-party websites, including their content and links, can be changed constantly. Though VINCULUM project is not responsible and therefore cannot be accountable for any changes related to third-party websites, VINCULUM tries to keep hyperlinks on the project website up to date.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
VINCULUM project may change the present Privacy Policy. Any revision will be indicated in this page accompanied by document date.
Data Protection Officer
Postal address:
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide
1099-085 Lisboa
Update information
This Privacy Policy has been updated in 13 July, 2020.