Seminar “La Vinculación en el Atlántico Ibérico: Nuevas Líneas de Investigación”
From 20 to 22 June, the seminar “La Vinculación en el Atlántico Ibérico: Nuevas Líneas de Investigación” will be held in Tenerife, at the University of La Laguna (ULL).
The conference, organised by the VINCULUM Project and the University of La Laguna, will feature the participation of several researchers who will discuss the institution of entails in the Atlantic, including a presentation by the Project’s Principal Investigator, Maria de Lurdes Rosa, as well as researchers Maria Teresa Oliveira, Miguel Geraldes Rodrigues and Miguel Ayres de Campos.
On the 22nd, there will also be a cultural visit to the “Ruta de las haciendas”, bringing the event to an end.