Elective course “Uncovering an unknown past. Content creation and science communication for History and cultural and local tourism” (2 semesters)
The objective of this course is to enable students to produce cultural content of a historical nature, providing them, at the same time, with the necessary tools for communicating science from History and archives in the context of cultural and local tourism. Over the course’s six modules, students will receive interdisciplinary training in the fields of history, archival science, cultural content creation and science communication. They will also have contact with private companies dedicated to the creation of cultural content and cultural and local tourism. The training will be developed in collaboration with the ERC VINCULUM project.
1st Semester: Historical contexts / Archival research / Local history
2nd Semester: Historical cultural contents / Science communication / Cultural entrepreneurship
Instructors: Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Rita Sampaio da Nóvoa, Alice Borges Gago, Filipa Lopes, Miguel Metelo de Seixas, António Camões Gouveia.
With the participation of: João Galvão Teles e Lourenço Correia de Matos (LMT Consultores), Inês Ribeiro e Raquel Policarpo (Time Travellers) e Helena Mantas (SCML).
This course is accredited by the CCPFC (Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Education of the Ministery of Education).
Course language: Portuguese
Classes will take place online, from September 30, 2021 to May 12, 2022, on Thursdays, from 6 to 9 pm.