Project Description
Research-oriented elective courses 2020/21
2021,Graduate and Post-Graduate Training
The School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University of Lisbon offers yearly research-oriented elective curricular units, supervised by research units and/or in the scope of research projects.
To allow students to have contact with a European Research Council funded project, VINCULUM made available two curricular units, one elective course tailored for undergraduate students, and one elective seminar aimed at graduate students. These curricular units are the first of a variety of University training activities foreseen in the project’s grant agreement.
The course and the seminar are both organized in two blocks. In the first block, students will receive training in several subjects addressed by VINCULUM, like Historical Archivists’ theories and methodologies, archival description, and science communication. The second block is entirely comprised of hands-on work mentored by project team members. Students will study and analyze a previously selected archive, conduct its archival description in the VINCULUM’s database according to the project’s protocol, and, finally, collaborate in the production of a text for the one of the project’s outreach initiatives called “Entail of the month”.
The purpose of these research-oriented elective curricular units is to provide students with monitored research experience, introducing them to the study and description of archives, to the communication of their research’s results and to the stimulating environment of a multidisciplinary research project.
Classes start February 9, 2021.