Project Description
Archives, History, and Memory from the Age of Revolution until the First World War
Scientific Meetings
VINCULUM takes part in the organization of this international congress to bring forward a debate on various changes that where influenced by these crucial events.
This congress seeks to make sense of the contributions from other social and human sciences, amongst which the new fields of archival and information science.
However, the meeting sets out to analyse a long time frame, spanning from the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, considering the different rhythms of the processes of institutional development, in Portugal and its empire as much as in other European states and their colonial spaces.
The congress is part of the Institute of Contemporary History of NOVA University Lisbon agenda for the bicentennial of the Portuguese liberal revolution of 1820.
This event, which was due to run during April 7-8, 2020, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak.
April 7-8, 2020
Time:[confirm programme]
Colégio Almada Negreiros, Room 306
Campus de Campolide
Lisboa, 1070-312 Portugal
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