Special issues of BAUC Bulletin
The Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra (AUC Bulletin), a scientific journal dedicated to the areas of Archivistics and History and to the multidisciplinary convergence between Information Science and History, has included, in its current edition (Vol. 36, 2023, n.º 2), six articles of the students who completed the postgraduate course in Historical Archivistics promoted by the VINCULUM project in 2021/2022. Volume 37, to be published in March 2024, will include the remaining articles of the postgraduate course. Both volumes form a thematic issue, under the theme “Caminhos da Arquivística Histórica”, coordinated by VINCULUM project PI, Maria de Lurdes Rosa, and two team members, Rita Sampaio da Nóvoa e Abel Rodrigues. It should be stressed that it is the first time that the scholarly outputs of a Post-graduation are published in a Web of Science and Scopus indexed journal.
The postgraduate course in Historical Archivistics had its first session in 2021-2022. It aimed at providing recent graduates with the ability to study archives in their various dimensions, under the theoretical frame of Historical Archivistics. The articles now published, as well as the ones of the next volume, focus on the research of diverse archives. They use, on the one hand, interdisciplinary approaches and the application of systemic models in order to improve the identification and access to documents and, on the other hand, they deal with aspects regarding their own organization and dissemination.