VINCULUM Project publish post on Philoblog: “Texts of history, memory and management by a family group of the Portuguese nobility, 15th-16th century: discovery, recovery and study of unpublished manuscripts”
PI and collaborators of the VINCULUM project publish post on Philoblog, about discovery and restoration of manuscripts within the project.
Philoblog is one of the most important announcement sites for the discovery and study of missing or unknown documents in the world of medieval literature and history scholars. It belongs to the U. California- Berkeley, and is managed by Prof. Charles Faulhaber, coordinator of the largest database of medieval Iberian literature, Philobiblon. BITAGAP (Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e Portugueses) is one of the associated databases, gathering enormous amounts of documentary and bibliographical references to Portuguese documents.
At the end of February, the team published the post Texts of history, memory and management by a family group of the Portuguese nobility, 15th-16th century: discovery, recovery and study of unpublished manuscripts. The post informs a wide audience of scholars, mainly Iberian and North-American, about two important manuscripts, in private possession, which the project discovered, restored and digitized. The third manuscript, which is linked to the previous ones, was located in a municipal archive by a young MA researcher (NOVA.FCSH), now working in the Vinculum project team, and studied in his Master’s thesis.
As mentioned in the post, a seminar gathering specialists in text editing and late-medieval and early modern noble culture will be held in Lisbon on 28 April, with the aim of studying these documents and preparing their edition.
The post can be reached here.
About the seminar see: Escrita de História, Memória e Gestão de Um Grupo Familiar da Nobreza Portuguesa, Séc. XVI-XVI.

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