Closing event of the school contest “Cria Vínculos com a História”v_maintenance2024-04-16T15:02:44+01:00
Conference cycle “Acordar História adormecida: os documentos do Projeto VINCULUM”v_maintenance2024-04-11T10:35:48+01:00
“Cria Vínculos com a História: contextos e formas de colaboração entre a investigação científica e o ensino básico e secundário”v_maintenance2024-03-22T13:22:54+00:00
VINCULUM Project at the 219th anniversary of the Évora Public Libraryv_maintenance2024-03-15T10:34:37+00:00
Fifth session of the seminar cycle: “Rethinking the Archive(s)”/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”v_maintenance2024-03-13T12:24:09+00:00