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The implementation of our WordPress website was done in 2020. The website uses stock images in its page layout (©higyou, Standard Licence) and public domain images.
Several photographs, images and graphics throughout this website were created by VINCULUM team members within and specifically for the project.
Otherwise stated into or within text next to, as stated in the list below, all images should be credit as: ERC VINCULUM, n. 819734 (CC BY-SA 4.0).
In some instances, other photographs, images and graphics from other authors might be used with their permission and/or within the scope of Fair Use clauses for copyright-protected works. Their credits are listed per website webpage as follows:
Image credits:
- A detail of “The Battle of Aljubarrota”, by Master of the Soane Josephus, about 1480-1483, from the Ms. Ludwig XIII 7 (83.MP.150), fol. 106, at The J. Paul Getty Museum:, is used in the background of the Institute for Medieval Studies presentation slide.
Image credits:
- Portrait photo of Maria de Lurdes Rosa, 2019. Mulheres na Ciência © Augusto Brázio.
Image credits:
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February 2022, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Câmara Municipal de Almada.
- Oficina de História da Guarda logo, is used to illustrate our post about its fifth podcast episode, presented by Rita Costa-Gomes and with the participation of Maria de Lurdes Rosa, titled “A Antiga Sociedade Portuguesa: os vínculos”, available at: and embedded in this website, at:
- A image edition of the photo “Igreja da Misericórdia”, in Paraíba, Brazil, by Ruy Cesar Klegen de Carvalho, available online since September 29, 2015, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of January, 2021, in this website, at:
- A detail of “Landscape in Brazil”, by Frans Jansz Post, 1652, at Rijksmuseum:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of January, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo of the main house of Quinta de Pindela, by José Gonçalves, available online since March 24, 2017, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo of lion bearing shield of arms near chapel at Quinta de Pindela, by José Gonçalves, available online since March 19, 2017, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo of the aqueduct at Quinta de Pindela, by José Gonçalves, available online since March 19, 2017, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February, 2021, in this website, at:
- A detail of “Planta de la ciuda de Cabo Verde”, by Leonardo de Ferrari, 1650-1655, from Plantas de diferentes plazas de España, Italia, Flandes y las Indias. Todas de mano hechas hazer de orden del Exmo. Sr. D. Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, Conde de Morente, Marqués de Heliche, Gentilhombre de la Cámara de Su Magestad, Su Montero Mayor y Alcaide de los Reales Bosques del Pardo, Balsahyn y Zarzuela. En Madrid, Año de 1655, at the Military Archive of Stockholm (Krigsarkivet), Handritade Kartverk, volume 25, number 55:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of March, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo of the Palácio de Nossa Senhora da Piedade, by Tom Strong, available online since April 11, 2012, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) licence, at:ácio_de_Nossa_Senhora_da_Piedade.JPG, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of April, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo of “Olissipo, quae nunc Lisboa…” from Braun, G., Hogenberg, F., Brachel, P. V., Hierat, A., Hogenberg, A., Novellanus, S. […] Rantzau, H. (1612) Civitates Orbis Terrarvm. [Coloniae Agrippinae: apud Petrum à Brachel, sumptibus auctorum, to 1618], available at the Library of Congress, at:,-0.278,1.111,0.879,0, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of May, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photo from Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional [B 1312], c. 1525-1526, fl. 280 v., available at the National Library of Portugal, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of May, 2021, in this website, at:
- A image edition of the photos of “Castelo de Pirescoxe”, by Paulo Juntas, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at: and is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of May, 2021, in this website, at:
- Photos of the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, kindly provided by the Municipality of Nelas and available at, are used to illustrate the Entail of the month of July 2021, in this website, at:
- The “Aguarela do Palácio de Ornelas”, kindly provided by the DRABM/CEHA-AV, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of August 2021, in this website, at; the photos used to illustrate the same Entail were taken and kindly provided by Abel Rodrigues.
- The image with a detail of the Ribeira das Naus shipworks in a c. 1730 view of the city of Lisbon (National Museum of Ancient Art, Lisbon, Portugal, available online under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:,_c._1730,_MNAA_-_pormenor).png, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October, 2021, in this website, at:
- The image of the Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário, available online under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October, 2021, in this website, at:
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of November 2021, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Dr. Alexandre de Quevedo Freemon.
- The detail of the map of Lisbon (Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, 1598), available online under public domain at, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of December, 2021, in this website, at:
- The image of the Convento da Madre de Deus de Lisboa (Mário Novais, 1954), available online under no restrictions at,_Lisboa_(Portugal).jpg, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of December, 2021, in this website, at:
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of January 2022, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Tiago Mendes.
- The image of “La Varona Castellana”, available online under no restrictions at, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of March 2022, in this website, at:
- The image of the Torre de los Varona, available online under no restrictions at, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of March 2022, in this website, at:
- The image of the Convento do Carmo (1745), available online under no restrictions at, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of March 2022, in this website, at:
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of June 2022, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Casa dos Coimbras.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of July 2022, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Engenheiro Francisco Paiva Calado.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of August 2022, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Miguel Metelo de Seixas and João Carlos Metello de Nápoles.
- The image “Relation d’un voyage fait en 1695” by Froger, available online under public domain, at:, is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of September, 2022, in this website, at:
- The image “Plan de la ville de St Salvador capitale du Brésil” by Frezier, available online under public domain, at: , is used to illustrate the Entail of the month of September, 2022, in this website, at:
- The photos of the House of Machados and of the Chapel of São Romão , used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October, 2022, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by João Trigueiros.
- The photo of the portrait of Luís Machado Freire used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October, 2022, in this website, at:, was kindly provided by Diogo Trigueiros de Aragão.
- The photos of the Nossa Senhora da Guadalupe and of the chapel of Nossa Senhora da Guadalupe, used to illustrate the Entail of the month of November, 2022, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Joana Machado (Casa da Capela de Cima).
- The photos of the Herdade do Esporão, used to illustrate the Entail of the month of January, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Herdade do Esporão.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Maria Favila Vieira da Cunha.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of March, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Augusto-Pedro Lopes Cardoso.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of April, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Margarida Leme and Quinta da Cerca.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of May, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Margarida Leme and Quinta da Cerca.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of June, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Maria João da Câmara and João Luís Alves Francisco.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of July, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Sofia Perestrello and Lourenço Correia de Matos.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of September, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Isabel Maria Sarreira Cid and Eduardo José Alexandre.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Manuel Ferros.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of November, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Eng. Luís Vasconcellos e Souza (Detail of Maria Afonso’s will ) and Ricardo Naito (Church of Santa Cruz do Castelo, in Lisbon); the detail of the plan of the city of Lisbon, by João Nunes Tinoco, made in 1650, is available at
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of December, 2023, in this website, at:, were kindly provided by Conde dos Arcos (Quinta da Torre [Caparica] in 1969 and detail of the first folio of the institution charter) and Ana Luísa da Cunha de Alvim (The Noronhas’ full coat of arms stone).
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of January 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by the teacher and students of the 11.º C1 class, at Colégio Camões (Rio Tinto). The image of the document establishing the Melres entail is available at ANTT, Família Saldanha e Castro e Falcão Trigoso, mç. 77, n.º 98, fl. 37.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of February 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by the teacher and students of the 11.º LH1 class, at Escola Secundária Miguel Torga (Sintra).
- The photos used to illustrate the “Entail of the Month” of March 2024, in this website, at, are available at / were kindly provided by:
Photo 1: GODINHO, António – Livro da nobreza e da perfeição das armas dos reis cristãos e nobres linhagens dos reinos e senhorios de Portugal. Séc. XVI. [06/12/2023] Available at
Photo 2: Wikipedia. [26/02/2024] Available at,_Igreja_de_Santo_Cristo_dos_Milagres,_ilha_de_S%C3%A3o_Miguel,_A%C3%A7ores.JPG
Photo 3: Teacher and students of the 11.º 2 class, at Colégio do Castanheiro (Ponta Delgada, Açores). - The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of April 2024, in this website, at, are available at:
Photo 1 – Wikipedia. [17/04/2024] Available at
Photo 2 – Wikipedia. [17/04/2024] Available at,_MNAz).png - The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of May 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Maria Eduarda Vieira.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of June 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Ana Raquel Neves dos Santos and Luana Pinheiro Teixeira.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of July 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by teacher and students of the 11.º AJD class, at Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (Vila Nova de Gaia).
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of August 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by teacher and students of 11.º PT at Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (Vila Nova de Gaia).
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of September 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by teacher Leandro Correia of 11.º A-CS at Colégio João de Barros (Pombal).
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of October 2024, in this website, at, were kindly provided by Helena Mantas, Marta Gama and students from the 11th LH class at Escola Portuguesa de São Tomé e Príncipe.
- The photos used to illustrate the Entail of the month of November 2024, in this website, at, are available at / were kindly provided by:
Photo 1 – Wikipedia [15/05/2024]. Available at,_s%C3%A9c_XVI.png
Photo 2 – Teacher and students from the 11th H3 class at Agrupamento de Escolas Leal da Câmara (Sintra).