About v_maintenance
This author has not yet filled in any details. So far v_maintenance has created 84 blog entries.
v_maintenance 2024-03-22T13:28:16+00:00
“Cria Vínculos com a História: contextos e formas de colaboração entre a investigação científica e o ensino básico e secundário” v_maintenance 2024-03-22T13:28:16+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-15T19:12:41+00:00
VINCULUM Project at the 219th anniversary of the Évora Public Library v_maintenance 2024-03-15T19:12:41+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-13T12:52:41+00:00
Fifth session of the seminar cycle: “Rethinking the Archive(s)”/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)” v_maintenance 2024-03-13T12:52:41+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-08T10:46:26+00:00
VINCULUM Project featured in Jornal de Notícias v_maintenance 2024-03-08T10:46:26+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-07T17:03:27+00:00
Conference “À descoberta dos morgados e capelas de Alenquer” v_maintenance 2024-03-07T17:03:27+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-07T15:46:22+00:00
VINCULUM Project featured in “Visita Guiada” v_maintenance 2024-03-07T15:46:22+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-03-04T09:08:47+00:00
“Cria Vínculos com a História” course session v_maintenance 2024-03-04T09:08:47+00:00
v_maintenance 2020-06-29T16:45:03+01:00
Final conference v_maintenance 2020-06-29T16:45:03+01:00
v_maintenance 2024-02-21T11:52:31+00:00
Fourth session of the seminar cycle: “Rethinking the Archive(s)”/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)” v_maintenance 2024-02-21T11:52:31+00:00
v_maintenance 2024-02-09T12:49:16+00:00
VINCULUM project at the I Congresso Ponte de Lima v_maintenance 2024-02-09T12:49:16+00:00
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