Closing of the event “Vínculos com (a) História: à descoberta do passado na Ribeira Lima”
The event “Vínculos com (a) História: à descoberta das casas históricas da Ribeira Lima”, promoted by the VINCULUM Project in partnership with the Municipality of Ponte de Lima, TURIHAB and Patrimonium, came to an end last weekend.
In addition to the visits to the various manor houses that opened to the public over the last few days, the initiative also featured a conference by Paula Moura Pinheiro (“A História comunica-se com histórias”) and ended with a fraternisation and musical moment in the gardens of Casa de Sá, in Ponte de Lima.
The event thus marked another milestone in the valorization and promotion of the region’s History and cultural heritage.
Conference “A História comunica-se com histórias”
Paço de Vitorino (Vitorino das Donas, Ponte de Lima)
Casa do Cruzeiro (Arca, Ponte de Lima)
Casa da Boa Viagem (Areosa, Viana do Castelo)
Paço de Anha (Vila Nova de Anha, Viana do Castelo)
Volunteer Mafalda Polónia explaining Paço de Anha’s chapel
Volunteers Diana Pinheiro and Afonso Gil Silva at Casa de Bertiandos (Bertiandos, Ponte de Lima)