Closing event of the school contest “Cria Vínculos com a História”
The event “Cria Vínculos com a História: contextos e formas de colaboração entre a investigação científica e o ensino básico e secundário”, organised by the VINCULUM Project and the Associação de Professores de História – APH (History Teachers Association), took place on 13 and 14 April at Colégio Almada Negreiros (FCSH – NOVA).
The meeting included a short course session (Ação de Curta Duração – ACD), in which several instructors took part, and marked the end of the school contest “Cria Vínculos com a História”. In these closing sessions, the eleven teachers responsible for the classes enrolled in the initiative shared their various experiences with scientific research in a classroom context. There were also presented video recordings with comments from some of the students involved in the contest.
Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos has already highlighted the participation of teachers Anabela Vaz Pinto and Paula Oliveira in the initiative, with presentations entitled ‘O Burgo e a Memória Mercantil’ and ‘Memórias da Sociedade e Mulheres’, respectively. These sessions showcased the research carried out in this regard by the eleventh-grade students of the Legal Assistance and Documentation and Heritage and Tourism courses, as you can read here:
These valuable contributions from the teachers and students display the positive impacts of the school context “Cria Vínculos com a História” on the development of interest in archival and historical research among secondary school students, creating interactive spaces for debate and for sharing knowledge.